Savings Assistant
Reach Your Financial Goals Faster with Intelligent Savings Strategies
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Set Spending Goals per Category

Take control of your finances by setting specific spending goals for each category. Whether it’s groceries, entertainment, or utilities, this feature helps you stay disciplined and focused on your financial priorities.

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Boost Your Savings

With Aimfina Saving Assistant, saving money becomes not just a goal, but an achievable reality. Embrace the power of personalised budgeting, insightful AI guidance, and peer benchmarking to elevate your savings strategy to the next level.

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AI-Driven Spending Tips and Follow-Up

Receive personalized, AI-driven advice and follow-ups on your categorized spendings. Receive continuous guidance helping you adjust your spending behavior, leading to more effective savings.

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Compare Your Spending with Peers

Receive valuable insights into how your spending habits compare with others in your age group, household type, or income bracket. Quickly and simply identify areas for improvement and adopt best practices from your peers.

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